Saturday, March 10, 2007


Well now where to start? Not at the beginning thats for sure...much too long ago.

So we will start with today.

Blogging is not my normal mode of expression. But will give it a go. For one thing there does not seem to be a way of adding text by cutting and pasting...which means I have to be online for an inordinate amount of time in a country where internet connections are slow, relatively expensive and often unreliable.

And today was the day when the president removed the Chief Justice of Pakistan, allegedly for a range of misdeeds but in reality because he was inconveniently good at his job. A letter, a so-called 'open letter' from an advocate was the first public stab in the back for the CJ. it was circulated among a range of people a couple of weeks ago, myself included. It detailed, in flowery English, a range of misdemeanours committed by the CJ. there followed TV appearances by his friends and enemies and the media generally got themselves into a bit of a tizzy. but nobody - except those in the know - quite expected that the CJ would be asked to clear his desk in such summary fashion.

The CJ was admittedly a somewhat controversial figure. He had pursued the govt to get them to release the identities if not the bodies of numerous citizens who have 'disappeared' in recent times, and was fast-tracking a lot of cases that had clogged the system for years. Doing things like this in Pakistan, a moderately liberal dictatorship can get you into all sorts of trouble.

CJ out of the way, we now wait to see if the forthcoming elections will be postponed as they are widely rumoured to be. It will be no surprise if they are. if there is one thing that really gets up a dictators nose, its the prospect of being out of a job courtesy of things like democratic process...and when you have been in the job as long as the Mushbaby gets both comfortable and addictive. Not the sort of thing to be given up lightly and especially not the sort of thing to give up in favour of grubby politicos. So we wait with bated breath.

Then there is my cat. Spotty. Been a bit naughty today. Raided the kitchen despite signing a solemn pledge never to do that again.

And the price of electricity...or anything else for that matter.

I could go on, but the few blogs I have seen do just that...go on...and on...and ...mostly to the point of enervating tedium. So I wont.....other than to say that my servant has just managed to smash yet more of our dwindling stock of decent crockery. Right...better go...will hang her up by her thumbs and flog her to within an inch of her life. After all, whatever else is there to do on a quiet saturday afternoon in Punjab?

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